Refugio, a wedding to plan, a dispute to settle…

    Joachim Pesch had presented himself at the Residency by midmorning. “My family objects to this arrangement.” Emiliano had insisted he demand the family be included in the consultation for the marriage contract. Francos decided to include Rita in the meeting. Joachim was shaken that this woman was alive and participating.

    “The family declared me dead, Joachim,” Rita said. “How do you expect to have any say in my daughter’s affairs? I am alive and fully capable of negotiating this marriage agreement. My family share was given to my fool of a husband, and you expect me to bend to Emiliano’s wishes? You are as much a fool as Alam.” Rita had warned Francos to not include Tony in this meeting. It protected him from retaliation from Emiliano and the other men of the family. He still had his business in Trade City to consider.

    “I have signed an agreement with Ser Morales,” she said, “and a family share comes to me as dowager. Pesch has no claim over me or over my daughter. Should a child come, there will be genetic bonds but no other bonds. Pesch declared me dead, and to that family, I will remain dead.”

    Joachim sat silent. What could he say? She was correct. Emiliano would be so angry. Perhaps if he waited to tell him until after the evening meal. Yes, that was it, put it off. “I will convey your arrangements to Emiliano. We will be presenting this marriage to the church. It should be denied, due to no proof that this woman is truly of the Humanos Verdaderos.”

    “That is enough, Joachim. You imply that we would not have examined the genetic profile of this young woman before an offer was made. My house honors the traditions of our people as applies to genetic purity, as do the people of Utopia.” Francos slammed his fists down on the desk. “She is a true child of both Pesch and Nanna. The nurture of the child does not change the genetic makeup of the child.”

    Joachim rose and moved toward the door. The Overlord’s temper was legendary, and he did not want to be its target. “We are still opposed,” he called out as he hurriedly exited the office.

    “He is moving faster than he did the last time he visited your office, Ser Francos,” Serept observed when he entered from the now-empty hall. “I think you frightened him.”


    “Your Holiness, we need to arrange a marriage ceremony, but it must be different from what has been done since we settled here,” Megal said. He had arranged a meeting with the new Poh to discuss changes needed for the blessing of joining.

    “Megal, I saw the betrothal announcement,” said Juan Garza, puzzled to have Megal personally consult with him. Usually, the chaplain of the Residence handled all the arrangements and conducted the ceremony. “I am not aware of how this is done in Utopia, if the young lady wishes it like her own church.”

    “No, Sarita said the marriage ceremony happens as a family gathering with several couples being blessed at once. We have agreed that something like that should be done here. Ser Roblies talked in our history classes of how the church had a public blessing for couples in front of their families. That is what we think might be revived.”

    “You will include the women?”

    “It is time we ended this falsehood about all women being brain damaged by the first sexual act. Sarita’s mother is a highly regarded instructor at the main medical training institution in Utopia. We have discovered that the women of my father’s harem received little if any damage from their first sexual encounter. There is evidence that this is common.” Megal was expecting a lecture from his former teacher but was taken aback by the burst of laughter.

    “I agree, and I am glad your father has discovered this. Many men of Refugio are fully aware of this masquerade and wish it to stop. So much damage is done and could be avoided. Much change must come to our societal practices. I will be pleased to bless your joining with this young woman, but I have another issue I wish to discuss that I believe pertains to her.”

    The Poh then pulled out a printout covered with notations. It was a copy of Sarita’s article. “Is this S. Kearney writing with S. Kearney, PhD. the young woman you plan to marry? I have had the article brought to my attention by Ser Roblies, who is very concerned with the content. Are you aware of what they have written?”

    “I am, your Holiness. We have discussed it and looked at some of the historical material Ser Roblies has on what was done in the twentieth century on Terra. We both see a need for a natural balance as they seem to have in Utopia.” This was the last thing Megal had expected. The head of the church assured him that he was beginning an investigation of the Keepers of the Blood and the House of the Pure. Megal realized it was time he ended the meeting, as an assistant was hovering just outside the door.

    The Poh assured Megal he would find an appropriate liturgy for the wedding. “In our records, there are many older ceremonies. I will enjoy finding a new one to use. May the Three give you grace, Megal. We have much to do.”


    There was an ebb and flow of chatter in the room with women greeting each other and men standing around puzzled. The Overlord had made it clear that women were to come to the family gathering along with the men. A celebration of a betrothal was usually done by the men with a separate meeting of the women held out of sight, and truthfully, not acknowledged. They were not supposed to be competent to organize such a thing. Marta had assured her relatives that Francos was serious. There would be a joint celebration. She alerted her contacts, changes were coming, and it might just begin with this gathering.

    “Your attention please.” Francos spoke rather than Serept, as would be for a more formal meeting. It was family, after all. “We are gathered to celebrate a promise of joining. I wish to introduce you to the woman who has agreed become wife to my son, Megal. Sarita.” He beckoned to her. “Please welcome to our joined families, Sarita Nanna Pesch Kearney.” Several members of the audience gasped. Many of the family members had only recently come from the haciendas and had not heard much of the gossip. Those who had been in the city for the installation of the new Poh knew what was being whispered.

    “It is also appropriate for you to meet Sera Rita Pesch Kearney, mother of Sarita. Despite what you have been told, she has not departed for the ancestors.” Rita stepped forward and bowed. Some of the women were relatives or old friends who rushed forward to embrace her.

    Tony knew this was going to infuriate Emiliano. Many of these women had connections to his harem. He would know soon enough.

    Francos motioned to Megal to join Sarita and the Residence chaplain. “Shall we begin?” He stepped aside as the couple knelt before the young priest. The priest intoned a blessing and admonished them to prepare for the wedding with serious prayers and contemplation.

    “You have promised before your families and the Three in One that you willingly enter into this marriage. What do you bring to exchange?” He was reading from a script written by the Poh. The new leader saw the opportunity to modify the liturgy and begin new customs.

    “I bring this wristlet woven by my hand and mixed with my hair.” Sarita placed the colorful bracelet on the tray held by the priest.

    “I bring this book that was a favorite of my birth mother,” Megal said. “The poet Gustavo Bécquer was one of her favorites. It was carried by her ancestor on the journey from Terra.” Megal placed a slim, well-worn book on the tray. Sarita smiled in anticipation. To own a Terran book was a status symbol in both settlements. The priest blessed the objects and offered them to the couple. Sarita tied the simple band on his wrist. He handed her the book with a whisper. “The book is in Old Spanish. I will help you read it.” They stood and turned.
They were welcomed with applause and murmurs of approval.

    “This evening marks a new era in the history of our settlement,” Francos said. “We have been here for many years and must realize that this is now our home. No rescue is coming,” His eyes swept the room. These were family, his and Megal’s. “Megal and Sarita recognize what must be done if we are to be successful. This gathering of men and women is deliberate. We must recognize that the damage done by our early experiences can be avoided with help.”

    There was a twitter of laughter.

    “Well, as Sera Marta will tell you, I have learned how much I did not know about my own family. Ser Carlos was very amused that I had not figured this out, but it is time it ended. That is why the women of the harems are here, as well as the men. We must set an example for the rest of the families. Now, I believe we have refreshments and celebrating to do!”


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