Chapter 9

Joe Marine Answers the Call…

Word came to Port several days later of the need to mount a force in Utopia. Spacer called a meeting of all adults because he wanted to be sure it was agreed upon, not just because they worked with Joe Marine.

“What we’ve found out from Blackie is that group that raided us hit some of the settlements in Utopia too,” Spacer said from the raised platform at the end of the shelter. “They know where the renegades are camped, and they also know that the group who hit us have moved into that camp. Some of you have traded with the renegades but the bunch that hit us are from Refugio. The folks in Utopia want to clear them out and they will need help. Joe is going to explain what we can do. Be thinking about if you want to go with him.” Spacer turned the meeting over to Joe Marine who explained what fighting they might have to do and how long they might be gone.

“Spacer, what about food to replace what got taken?” Lisa Beth was still angry at Spacer. “We are getting low. Isn’t that right Zulema?” The woman who ran the community galley said they had enough now that the fish catch was better. The fish had moved to deep water during the storm but were back around the island now.

“Blackie is bringing some supplies on that new ship when he comes to pick us up,” Joe said. “You ain’t going to starve, Lisa Beth and neither are the littles.” Boats announced he would be taking names of anyone who wanted to join the group going to Utopia, but Joe spoke up.

“We’re going to leave some folks here just in case that bunch tries to come back,” Joe said. “I ain’t going to leave you without any protection. If nothing else, those toothy fish eaters may follow the fish into the bay and they like goat way too much.”


Land shakes were something they just lived with in Port. Most of the time, they only saw the surface of the ponds ripple or the sand on the beach shift a bit. Sometimes, there were bigger ones, but it was mostly evening tales from the elders. Spacer had been working with the swamp crew to repair the damage from the raid and get more of swamp roots planted. The night before, there had been a land shake strong enough to knock things off shelves but as Spacer helped in the swamp, the water was calm.

He was up to his knees in mud aligning the roots in the lagoon when he got a message from the weather watcher. The weather was fine, but there was ash in the air from an opening on the top of a small volcano nearest the main island. He warned it might become active again. The last time that had happened, Spacer remembered the lava caused the water to boil and made clouds of steam around the newly built island. At first, when you are only six, it was exciting but as the steam, the smoke, and ash drifted onto the island, it was very frightening.