Author: Pat Gibson

  • Chapter 28

    Refugio, an inconvenient death, a plan disrupted…     Francos and Megal were discussing how trade agreements with Utopia could help guide the negotiations with Port. Megal pointed out that many of the goods that came from Utopia may have originated in Port.     “I doubt that,” Francos said. “Port does their shipping and raids their…

  • Chapter 26

    Utopia Colony, Farm 22, learning the truth…     “If everyone will find a seat, we can start.” Simon knew he had to explain about Sarita. The rumors and gossip were full of bad information. Most of his people believed that this meeting was about the move they would be making.     “I have much to…

  • Chapter 27

    Utopia, a hearing, trouble afoot…     Simon arrived in the city late in the evening and checked into the central hostel as usual. He found many messages waiting for him. Inspector Rhody asked him to contact her as soon as he got in and several friends from previous visits left similar messages. He was surprised…

  • Chapter 25

    A welcome, decisions, changes…     “Blackie is back!” As the ship eased into the pier, Spacer and Boats went to the end of the dock to welcome them.     “Hey, Julie sailed in yesterday. She said they sailed around the planet and there is more land off to the east from us.”     Blackie stood…

  • Chapter 24

    An unexpected offer to Port and a break with custom…     Mandy was serving as runner when the far speaker let her know Spacer had an important message from Blackie and it was important.     “Don’t let anyone else see that message except Spacer, Mandy.”  Mandy was surprised because usually, the message of a returning…

  • Chapter 23

    Settling down in Port, learning psy power…     Spacer was not thrilled with the arrangements Mandy had made, but a quick conversation with the sickbay staff changed his mind. They were very willing to have the woman come help if she was willing to work. A group of seaweed workers had tangled with some stinging…

  • Chapter 22

    Sailors captured, an offer made…     “Any word from the shore?” Blackie called to the watcher on the deck. “Gunson will answer for this if we don’t get the price we set.”     “I see some folk walking down the hill toward the wharf, Blackie. Better get up here. Some of them are armed.” Blackie…

  • Chapter 21

    Refugio, a ransom note, an opportunity…     “This is an outrage, Francos! You must do something.” Joachim Pesch had barged into the private office red-faced and puffing. “This time those criminals have gone too far!” A ship from Port had entered the harbor that morning under a flag of parley. “They have stopped a flagged…

  • Observations of an infrequent flyer…

    Observations of an infrequent flyer…

    Flying has its advantages, but it has never been a perfect experience. Delays and waiting leave one an opportunity to people watch. This leads to memories from flights as a child.

  • Chapter 20

    Awakened power, understanding, begrudging acceptance…     Mandy found her there in the morning. She was curled up on the ground just under the awning by the hall door. Mandy was frightened. No other buffer woman had ever left the bedroom like this. Spacer was still asleep, sprawled on the bed in the bedroom. It was…