Chapter 14

Amaurot, A Battle Plan, A Chance to Help…

Megal was surprised to see Sarita and Julie follow Simon into the prince’s office. Julie had suggested Sarita take a nap after their first meal to settle her stomach. Blackie had reassured him that this was common in these first months of a pregnancy. Growing babies is hard work was his comment.

“You are feeling better?” Megal asked. “That was not much of a nap.”

“Papa Kearney sent the news to my foster mother, and she notified the crèche here. One of the midwives came to check on me. I am fine.” Sarita said. “She said my upset stomach is normal and a nap is not the best thing. I needed to keep doing what I had been doing.”

“It was the way to get rest on the ship,” Julie said, “but don’t tell Blackie.”

“Don’t tell me what, that you used the new baby coming as an excuse to take naps?” Blackie had joined them. “Like I wasn’t aware of that!

“We are making progress but not on what Port or Refugio needs,” Blackie was anxious that the talks were stalled. He understood but needed to send food to Port.

“We will get to that as soon as we deal with this danger, Captain Okapie.” Sean had joined them. “I do have word that we have surplus vegetables that can be sent to Port when the security forces are picked up. Captain O’Malley let me know she also has a load of bread grains she wants to deliver so if you and your wife want to join them?”

“That will work out well, Lord Johnson,” Julie answered. “Spacer let us know the fires set by the raiders damaged what little bread grain they had left. Even the goats won’t eat it! Blackie is going but I am going to stay to help Sarita’s Papa. Those maps and the documents with them are really important.”

“Thank you for volunteering to help, Captain Julie,” Sean was surprised. “The more eyes, the faster we understand what we have here. I only wish we had done it sooner.”

“Ranger Murphy is gathering the Utopia security force to meet up at Southmost,” Megal said. “When you bring the Port forces after Cathy delivers this food, we will have a good number to confront the renegades.”

“Thank you for organizing this Ser Morales,” the prince said. “Confrontations are something we have tended to ignore in Utopia, obviously to our sorrow.” The prince knew how contentious the setting up of the Rangers had been. Most of the first-generation settlers believed that the way the settlement was organized would keep confrontations and disputes from occurring. The presence of large carnivores in the wilds of the planet changed that. They needed an armed force to protect the grazers. When they decided to exile any discontents, it was obvious that a force was needed to keep them in the unsettled woods. The need to exile some of the settlers was a shock to the oldest but now that they had the full text of More’s book, they knew the original story included punishment. Slavery was an unacceptable solution.


“May I offer a suggestion, Lord Johnson? My father and I have recently dealt with a fatal attack. We have discussed how to deal with any in the future,” Megal spoke up.

“Aside from warning the people, Ser Morales, I don’t know what else we can do,” Sean said.

“I know all your people are taught self-defense and many also learn weapons,” Megal said. “A display of this might dissuade some of the exiles. Perhaps calls for drills and weapons practice? We have suggested this among our haciendas and from what my wife observed in Port, the defenders of Southmost discouraged the Port raiders. It was the use of the larger crossbows that got some of these negotiations started.”

“That’s right,” Blackie said. “When word came back those two men had been shot when attempting what had been an easy raid before, it caused a lot of folks to question how we were acting. Your father made the trade offer and the deaths convinced many of the Grounders it was time.”

“Grounders?” Sean was puzzled.

“That is what we call ourselves,” Blackie laughed. “We are the descendants of a spaceship crew but stuck on the ground.” The humor lifted the mood for a moment.

“Also, Lord Johnson, I suspect that this action may have a connection to the man hired to attack our wedding,” Sarita spoke up. “The crossbow bolts were coated with death viper venom. El Canalla had to have connections to Utopia to obtain that venom. One of our issues for this meeting is to help find the source and stop its sale.”

“I can explain that” Sean said. “Our herders realized that even the large animals avoided those snakes, so they began a project to capture some and take the venom. It is still active when dried and they smear it on the crossbow bolts to kill the larger predators. I will need to investigate how the treated bolts got to Utopia. It was never our intention to use them on humans.”

“It seems someone is willing to trade, or they may have stolen them,” Megal said. Sean called Tyrone to get an investigation started. The bolts could harm by just handing them carelessly so who was trading them needed to be known.

“Here is something that may be making that kind of trade easier,” Julie called from where she was looking at the maps. “There is an opening up on the north end of this island where the sea must be clear of ice during the summer. That would make travel to the east very easy.” The group gathered around the table where the maps were spread out.

“Utopia did choose the flattest land mass and the one with the fewest volcanoes, but not the largest,” Shauna observed. “According to these maps, most of the volcanoes are concentrated in Refugio.”

“That last land mass is larger and has more,” Megal observed. “I suspect that is why the NeoUtopians chose this one.”

“That is the information we have, Megal,” Simon said. “This land mass had only two, on the far northwestern coast. These plains were chosen because how easily it could be farmed.”

“Megal, you pointed out this area shows about that passage along the frozen zone?” Sean was puzzled by the markings on the map.

“The closer the lines are together, the steeper the slope both on land and in the water. That channel is deep with very little shore,” Megal leaned over the upper end of the map. “I’d say you’d have to keep sailing and plan on not stopping. There just aren’t any beaches or it was that way when the planet was first explored.”

“So, once the ship enters the channel, it has to keep going until it is on the other side?” Sean had an idea.

“From the closeness of the lines, that is what it shows,” Megal said.

“A few rocks off the top of the cliff at the right time and any ship is sunk.” Sean said.

“That would be true, if you can reach the top of the cliff without the people on the ship finding out,” Megal pointed out. “And, if your intention is to kill all on the ship. That water would be cold all year.”

“Given how far it is to that cliff, you are correct, Megal,” Blackie interjected, “We need a better strategy to stop these renegades.”


“Ser Megal, the drills on the farms will be very popular. They have had contests to see which family’s arms master trains best so this will fit right in,” Douglas Stewart joined the discussion after last meal. “Have you ever competed in archery against your lady wife?”

“The situation has never presented itself, Ranger Stewart. Sarita, do you use a bow?”

“Of course, all the members of my family were taught weapons. It was one thing they found out about More’s time on Terra. All men were expected to use a bow and be ready to take up arms for their island. We just expanded it to women also. Douglas Stewart, that was not exactly fair of you. Megal, Doug and I know each other from years ago.”

“I will admit it, Ser Megal. I courted your lady wife when we were both beginning to gain our status as adults. She is an accomplished archer and wicked with a light sword. Being a bit naive and having too much male pride, when she beat me, I said goodbye and moved on. I hope we do have the contest because, if you are out of practice, Sarita, I might just beat you this time,” Douglas grinned at Sarita. “Are you experienced with a bow, Ser Morales?”

“Can we be friends, Ranger Stewart, just be Megal and Doug? A friend of my wife’s should be a friend of mine.” Megal offered his hand to Douglas. “A man who saw the value of this woman I treasure is worthy of my friendship.”

“Thank you, Megal,” Sarita blushed. “I agree. Titles are for formal times, and we have a lot of work to get done. Please just names, Doug, and I am out of practice. No contest for me until I shoot at least a quiver full.”

“As for my experience with a bow, I have not shot one in several months,” Megal said. “We hunt on the hacienda, but it has been a while since I helped clear out the small vermin.”

“That comment puts me on my guard,” Doug said. “A man who uses a bow to shoot small vermin has to be good. I look forward to having a contest.”


Blackie took the airship back to Trade City along with a large shipment of vegetables and fruits. The produce was some that would ripen as they sailed but was not suited for long term storage. The harvest in Utopia had been abundant and there was plenty to share. The rotation insured that the usual storage practice would not be done. It took too long to learn. Catherine O’Malley had negotiated a contract to ship barrels of fasteners to the shipyard at Southmost in return for bags of bread flour and other grains.

“Cathy, you aren’t getting much out of this,” Blackie said when she explained it to him. “The fasteners are needed at the shipyard, but Port doesn’t have anything in the exchange.”

“Really? And the rigging of the sails and the lessons on tacking were just out of the goodness of your heart?” Cathy said. “Give yourself some credit, Captain. Gramps won’t have a problem with it.”

“Well, keeping track of who owes what is going to be more complicated with more trade. Just one more thing we need to figure out.”

“Utopia’s method of everybody owns in common won’t work. In fact, it doesn’t work very well now,” Cathy shook her head. “I never understood exactly how they did things back on Terra but maybe the Regals have some information for us. For now, we need to make the offshore wind. Surface winds look good for a fast run to Port.”


“Lord Johnson, who would be in charge of the supplies for the security forces?” Megal had made a list of what materials he expected to need for the force they were collecting. Captain Murphy agreed they would need more food for the security force, but Megal wanted to have extra, high quality, and things scarce for the renegades. “I know these are things you would not usually carry for a venture like this, but once the telepaths have done their work, we will be ready.”

“This is a devious strategy, Megal,” Captain Murphy grinned at Megal and Sarita. “I have located some small bread ovens so we will have some warm, fresh rolls for them. I have word from my watchers that there had better be some for my team up there.”

“Are you sure this will work, Brendon? The amount of food is not an issue but the idea that they will rebel against their leaders for food, I am still skeptical.” The prince was not happy about the plans but admitted that he did not have a better one.

“That is exactly why it will work, Sean. What Megal has suggested plays on a basic need. I suspect we will have to use some force, especially for this fellow from Refugio but if we have some strong compulsives both ours and from Port, it can be done.”

“My father-in-law has made it clear in his conversations with us,” Sarita said. “We need to protect lives as much as we can. Megal and I agree, force may be necessary, but the offer of settlement on the new lands will help.”

“As long as they don’t realize how much work is needed,” Julie laughed. “I have seen that land, and the growth is thick along the coast we saw.”

“Given some of these renegades have committed serious crimes, I am skeptical we can just ship them off to that last continent.” Sean said.

“Perhaps we can use something from the original Utopia as persuasion,” Megal said. “If we explain that because of what you have found in the original book, all who do not volunteer to help clear the new land will be sent to work in the oil shale mines in Refugio.”

“Would they understand what that even means?” Sean said.

“Mining oil shale? It is dirty, nasty work, but you get excellent credits for doing it,” Megal said. “The House of Justice uses it as a punishment or a way to work off debts or damages. Few men repeat a crime once they have been sent there.

“How is working in the iron ore mine done here?” Megal said.

“It is the job of the family who is assigned to Lord Bowie’s farm. It is not one that is popular and has been a serious problem. Will the renegades even understand what being sent to the mines means?” Sean said.

“Having the men from Refugio mixed in with the renegades may be to our advantage,” Captain Murphy said. “They will know about this and can explain it to others. We know there are at least ten men who came recently. I will suggest that be added to the conversations about punishment. This could get interesting.”


The preparations for the expedition to the renegade camp were well underway. Sarita expected to go but both Megal and Julie said no. She was not happy. They had held an archery session, and her skill was still good.

“Cariño you are far too important right now. I have many fine archers, but I have only one you and one small life you carry. Please understand,” Megal said.

“I am not going with them, Sarita,” Julie said. “I am going to work with Simon and Shauna to understand the maps. We still want to get permission to settle there. There is so much we don’t know about this planet.”

“This will be a chance to see if we can contact each other from a distance,” Megal realized they had not been more than a few feet apart since they had been betrothed. “We are equal in this Sarita. Just like Julie is staying, you will be Refugio’s representative.”

“Alright, after all, Papa Kearney asked me to help with the research,” Sarita sighed. “You will be careful? This may be dangerous.”

“I have so much to live for now, mi cariño,” Megal hugged her. “Captain Murphy has been teaching me a way to push things away from my body. He said not everyone can do it, but I have tried, and it worked. He also said it will get stronger if I practice.”

“I wonder if that is part of what we did at the wedding? You might just be pulling yourself away from the projectile.”

“We have practiced it, and I am pushing objects away, not pulling back.”

“When we get this trade agreement done, I think we need to have Sera Rita and some of the other healers who study the psy power start trying to understand what it can do,” Julie said. “The powers are getting stronger and weirder the longer we are on the planet.”

“That is an excellent idea,” Megal said, “and one I will keep in mind, but first, this threat has to be overcome.”


Megal joined the security force on the airships headed to Southmost. He was impressed by the quiet as the fan powered ships drifted down the cables. It was not as fast as the air cars they used in Refugio, but it was steady and dependable. The battery powered fans kept the cars moving without damaging any of the plants that grew under the tall towers holding the cables.

“This is something we could use” Megal commented to Doug Stewart. “We have the air cars, but they are noisy and tear up the plants as they travel.”

“Don’t get too excited about them. We never did get the whole system built,” Doug said. “The equipment to build the towers does not work anymore and building them out of wood is not as strong. We only have them on this main run between the cities. They cut the paths for them to join all the original farms but never got them built. The main roads from farm to farm are where they were supposed to be built. No point in wasting all that work.”

Megal wished he had a working tablet. He drew out a small pad of paper and made some notes about the airships. He would need another pad at the rate he was going.


“I must insist,” Megal had watched the archer practice and was alarmed, “we do not want to kill these people unless it is absolutely necessary.” The Utopian security officer overseeing the crossbow practice had marked the human targets with vital organs. It was to insure a fatal shot. Megal wanted the marks avoided rather than being the correct hit.

“My Lord, these people have done serious damage to many of our people and our farms. They deserve to die.”

“They have done the same in Refugio, but my father, the Overlord has stressed preserving life. There is work to be done and we need every person we have. Are you aware of the problems of who can marry and produce children without defects? We are too small a population of Terrans. Killing these men and women will not help us survive.”

“But I would not want my son to marry one of these women.”

“I’d marry one of them if the PopOffice allowed it. They turned down Maggie because we are too close, second cousins, is too close. I think this Regal is right, Papa. We need all the people we can get.” The training officer’s son was his assistant.

“Didn’t know they had stopped it. You are psy compatible. Seems that should be more important,” The officer said. “I hear what you are saying Lord Morales. You want to explain it to the archers?”

Megal augmented his voice so all could hear. He urged them to aim at an upper arm or extremities rather than the body.

“We want to stop them shooting at us, not kill them. We have work for these people. Those who do not cooperate are going to be working in the mines or clearing land over on the third land mass. They won’t be going free.”

“This is going to be harder to do, so show these Regals and pirates how to aim a crossbow,” The trainer’s son yelled to the Utopians showing the rest of the gathered group how to use the more complex crossbows. Megal was pleased. The young man had changed it to a show of skill and the rest of the training went as he hoped.


Simon was exhausted. They had decided to do an inventory of the storage container where the maps and reports had been found. The metal container was packed tightly with heavy boxes of who knew what. Shauna showed the others helping what she had discovered about the labeling but some of the notations were a puzzle to them all. The prince had assigned them rooms in the main administration building to sort out what they were finding but Simon was beginning to think they needed a much larger space.

“Sean, you have no idea how tightly this material is packed. It is as if someone was trying to hide some of this material. We have actually found some parts for the technology devices and what may be directions on how to make them.”

“My grandfather used to talk of arguments among the first settlers and my father would chase the children out of the room. They had some serious disagreements about even talking about it. I’ll see if I can talk with Lord Kelly or Lady Elizabeth to see if they have any memories of what might have been going on.” Sean had come to the sorting room too and found Simon and his team hard at work. “Simon, time to go get some supper and some rest. I need you doing this, and you aren’t as effective if you are asleep on your feet.” Simon laughed and told the rest of the team that it was time to close for the day.

“I remember hearing rumors that these containers held magical machines that the founders had banned but got shipped accidentally,” Sean said. “My father just laughed and said it was much more dangerous. He said they held truth. That was when my grandfather would get mad. I never understood and was told to never mention it. Now I wonder. I think Lord Kelly is staying with his grandchildren.”

“If anyone would know, it will be that old gossip,” Shauna added as she took Simon’s papers from him and shut them into a secure box. “The inventory should be finished in a day or two, your highness. We’ll be able to tell you more then.” She motioned to Sarita and Julie to come lead Simon off to supper, or he would be talking to the prince for another hour or more. They caught his arms on either side and laughing, led him out of the workroom.

Chapter 13Chapter 14→

Should you want to read the whole story…

Book One Surviving Higgins World: Change is the Only Option eBook : Gibson, Patricia: Kindle Store

Book Two Surviving Higgins World: Change or Chaos? eBook : Gibson, Patricia : Kindle Store