Port Gets the News…
When the far speaker got the message from Blackie, she ran to the center of the settlement whooping and yelling. Most of the settlers were still gathered in the meeting shelter finishing their midday meal. It was met with cheers. Spacer allowed Jill to break out a keg of well-cut gin. They built a bonfire in the middle of the beach. The far speaker notified the fishing crews to dock and join the celebration. Someone broke out some drums, other instruments appeared and soon there was dancing and singing in celebration.
Once it calmed down some, Elder Garza reminded them that they needed a plan, or this major change would not succeed. A couple who had come from Utopia spoke up telling about setting up new farms. The Port folks acknowledged they understood it was going to be a lot of work. Some had helped set up settlements on some of the smaller islands nearby and realized it was going to be difficult. The opportunity was worth the work as far as they were concerned.
“GC ain’t coming back and this island is just too small.” Jack Little Doe announced. “Look out Home Port, we’re on our way!”
Some of the Utopians said they knew many folks in Utopia who would be wanting to join the move to the new land. The conformity and rigidity of society was chaffing to many of the younger people. Their society was not working, and change was not coming fast enough.
“Spacer, I know we’ve going to have to work really hard over in this new place,” One of Julie’s crew said. “I’ve seen it, but it is big, as big as Utopia. There’s room for all of us and room to grow. Are you coming with us?”
“Don’t know, Charlie, still a lot to do here to keep things running. Been here all my life, maybe too old to go starting over, but we’ll see.”
← Chapter 26 | Chapter 28 → |
Should you want to read the whole story…
Book One
Book Two
Amazon.com: Surviving Higgins World: Change or Chaos? eBook : Gibson, Patricia : Kindle Store