The Young Will Lead…
The gymnasium classes Ser Roblies chose to start the training by the O’Cauleys were the classes where the biology of reproduction was being taught. He had altered the curriculum from the misinformation spread by Keeper Malfe to scientific fact. He wanted the truth of the manifestations and female psy power emphasized in the classes. He had received complaints from some of the more traditional family heads but few of the younger parents objected.
“We must have them understand why we are making these changes,” Ser Roblies said to the Poh and the O’Cauleys. “They understand now about fertilization, but the role of First Night Guides must be explained. Have you a considered any couples for this service?”
“We have not been interviewing any yet, Ser Roblies,” Mona said. “We will need to know what their powers are and if they are willing. It is a very private thing, but it has been valued among Utopians for many years.”
“So, I have been told. It would make those first sexual encounters so much easier. Most of the young know so little and have so many myths about it. I believe this mission you come with will benefit our people very much. Thank you for coming,” Roblies said.
The O’Cauleys changed the setting for their first meeting with the young men to a shaded garden near the gymnasium. The session was casual, and Don began by asking what they knew about manifestations.
“You realize that my wife and I are from Utopia. We really don’t understand how manifestation of psy power is handled here in Refugio,” Don said. There was a nervous twitter among the adolescent boys. One of the younger boys repeated what his father had told him, that he would hire an older woman for him to manifest with if he would graduate with high grades from the gymnasium. Another boy said his older sister was to be joined soon and was very unhappy about it. Another very young boy said his father and mother had said they would arrange for him to meet many girls outside the family so he would be able to choose for himself. They told him they met on the hacienda during the grazer round up and his mother was not damaged at all by her manifestation. That brought many similar comments from among the class.
“It seems that many of you have women in your family who were not damaged by their manifestations. Please hold up your hand if that applies in your family,” Mona said. The show of hands was almost unanimous. Mona smiled at Don and mentally expressed her relief. They would not have as much to do as they had thought. The First Night project would take most of their time.
“We have come to Refugio to help ensure that no male or female will every again be damaged by their psy manifestation,” Don said. “The Overlord has acknowledged that women have psy power just as the men do and I think most of you know that too. Your mothers, aunts, sisters, and cousins all have psy powers, they just have been hiding them. With guidance, you can all learn how to manifest without hurting your partner or having your partner hurt you. We will begin by teaching you how to relax and enter a trance. That is a calm, quiet place in your mind.”
Don and Mona got the boys to stand and move around, then when some of the energy and anxiety were relieved, they sat on the ground and began. It did not take long for the boys to learn the relaxation drills. It was more difficult to teach them the trance. Being growing, adolescent boys, they fell asleep easily.
“Wake up, now,” Mona called softly. “Your assignment for the next class, is to practice relaxing and clearing your mind without going to sleep. We will meet with your again on fourth day.”
The O’Cauleys met with four more classes and found the answers to the questions were much the same. Even the oldest classes were aware of the lack of damage among the females of their families.
“So, how did it go?” the Poh asked that evening after the children were put to bed.
“Much better than we expected, Juan,” Mona said. “It seems that your youngsters are well aware of the lack of damage among the females. All the way up to the oldest students, they answered that they knew the women of the family were not brain damaged.”
“The most asked question by the older students was how to avoid injury when they were joined with someone. It seems they are looking forward to their own marriages.” Don added.
“The fact that the girls are now taking classes with them might have something to do with that,” Sofia laughed. “Our oldest daughter seems to have made several male friends who walk with her when we visit the plaza in the evening. You must join us at the end of the week. Juan is quite proud of our fountain and how the old customs from Terra can be revived.”
“Well, was one of them young Barra by any chance? He has volunteered to serve as an acolyte at services more often than expected.” Juan said. His wife laughed. Mona commented he sounded just like a concerned future father of the bride.
“The next step must be finding couples who might want to be First Night Guides so this desire of the young men can be met.” Sofia said. “I think the House of Healing might be a good place to start. If you are not meeting with the boys tomorrow, we could go to the senior healers and see if they have some ideas.”
“We will have a session with the youngest boys right after the classes begin so mid-morning will be best, is that good for you?”
“That will be good, Mona. I will have the little ones settled for a nap. I’ll contact the healers to warn them we are coming.” The two couples finished their tea and said good night. Change was coming to Refugio much faster than they expected.
← Chapter 35 | Chapter 37 → |
Should you want to read the whole story…
Book One
Book Two Surviving Higgins World: Change or Chaos? eBook : Gibson, Patricia : Kindle Store