A troublesome priest…

    “Please, I must see Ser Pesch.” Romerie Malfe was not used to begging but he had been denied entrance to the Pesch main house twice this past week. Now he had news that he hoped would put him back in Ser Emiliano’s good graces.

    “It is essential that I see him.”

    The servant at the door closed it again, and after a few minutes, returned. “Enter. Ser Joachim will see you. Ser Emiliano is unavailable.”

    “No, you do not understand, I must see Ser Emiliano. I have information for him.”

    Joachim pushed past the servant and confronted Romerie. “You have been told that this house has no use for you, even if you are related. My brother is very busy. If you have information, you can give it to me and if I consider it valuable, I will tell him. If that is not satisfactory, then leave. That is all you will get from House Pesch.”

    Joachim had been napping in the roof garden and was not happy to learn this troublesome priest was again bothering them. Had not Emiliano made it clear? His fumbling attempt at toppling the house Morales had cost them dearly.

    “Ser Joachim, will you have the servant step away? I do not want to reveal this to anyone but family.”

    “You not only embarrass the family but think our servant will carry tales. Make it quick, I do not have time for your foolishness,” Joachim turned to leave the Keeper in the doorway.

    Malfe called out after him. “I have received word that a ship from Port is due soon and it brings a trade agreement between Port and Refugio. There is also a rumor that there is a woman on the ship who is the main candidate to be wife to the First Successor, a woman of Port!”

    “I am aware of the trade agreement, and the very idea that Francos Morales would consider a woman of Port is more ridiculous than your last bit of stupid information. Get out and stay away.” Joachim yanked the door out of the servant’s hands and glared at the cowering man. “Why anyone listens to you is beyond my understanding.”

    “Your family will live to regret my warnings, Ser Pesch, remember that!” Malfe yelled as the closing door nearly knocked him down the steps.


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