Repairing a stumble, finding a friend…

    Megal made his way to the harem in the morning and asked if he could speak to Sarita.

    His father’s elderly cousin who served as the harem steward was obviously upset. “Why do you even consult me, Megal? Why does Ser Francos even keep me on? Just walk in anytime. Juan will adjust.”

    “Ser Juan, you control this door, and I am sure Sera Marta would have strong words for me if I just walked in. If you please, can you ask if Sera Sarita is available?” Megal knew how valuable this elderly man was to the Residence. And besides, he was one of the few from his grandmother’s generation left in the family.

    “I believe they are all finished with first meal,” Juan said. “Wait here and I will check with Sera Marta.” He opened the door and slipped in so to block Megal’s view into the harem. Inside, the women engaged in a lively ball game. Marta was refereeing, and seeing Juan, she called a halt.

    “Sera Marta, Ser Megal wishes to speak with Sera Sarita. Shall I show him to your office?”

    “Sarita, are you available?” Marta was skeptical that Sarita had gotten over her anger at Megal.

    “I had better change first. I may not smell so nice after this game. If he can wait in your office, I will be along is a few minutes.” Marta told Juan to take Megal to her office and called for the game to begin again. Sarita found Megal standing just inside the door.

    “Sera Sarita, I must ask your forgiveness.” Megal gave this statement with a nervous bow. He decided the best plan was to treat her like he treated his cousins, honestly. He had learned early on while staying with his grandfather that the young women could make his life difficult if he was not truthful.

    “Really?” Sarita was startled. This was not what she had expected.

    “Yes, I consulted with Ser Roblies about some of the information that was given to you and to my father. Your numbers are correct and your conclusions accurate. I do not like the conclusions, because it shows I have been misled. That is not a nice thing to discover. Please, be seated because I have many questions about your conclusions.” He moved aside for her to enter the room and was startled to realize his body was reacting to this slightly damp, loosely dressed woman. His mind went to the picture in the betrothal document, and he realized he was blushing. He hoped she did not notice.

    “To discover you have been misled is a blow.” Sarita sighed as she settled into one of the large pillows that served as chairs. “I know of it as well. We claim in Utopia to have full equality, but I was disturbed by what I saw in Amaurot last year. My stepfather says what we say and what we do are often at odds.”

    “The longer I am here in the capital, the more I understand what your stepfather is saying. It is the same here.” Megal lowered himself into a cushion so there was a small table between them. He was conscious of the lack of a duenna. “My father has long spoken against the killing of the infants, but it is a church policy. With this information you have gathered, we must investigate. Fortunately, one of my other teachers is now in charge of the church and we may be able to get the truth. To make changes will be disruptive, but I think they are necessary.” Megal crossed his legs and leaned forward. This was going better than he expected. He explained what he had been told about how the Keepers of the Blood worked. What she wrote disputed their words. Sarita had not known the reasoning behind the infanticide but told him she found it evil. Megal had to agree.

    Marta was watching them through the open door and motioned for refreshments to be taken to them. The conversation that she could overhear soon represented stories of how different their childhoods had been. Megal seemed to relax, and the intelligent bright child she had known began to show through. She realized that Megal’s time in his grandmother’s care had made a major difference in the young man. Catherine Leon Bethal would be proud of what she had done taking her traumatized grandson into her harem. Marta would be sure the woman was informed. This marriage was going to be very good for both the people involved, and with time, the settlement.


    “Sera Sarita, I do not want to pressure you, but we must make some sort of betrothal announcement. Francos was becoming anxious. “Your presence here at the Residence has become known. Are you still willing to accept this marriage?” A grandchild was needed, or his family would lose the throne. Marta assured him the couple were not fighting now and seemed to be getting to know one another. She was sure that it was going to be a successful pairing. Francos trusted her judgment, but his birthday was looming.

    Sarita was not sure what the customs were here in Refugio. “Ser Francos, is that not something that Megal and I must decide?”

    “In Refugio, the woman is rarely consulted. The first outreach your uncle knew about was through a marriage broker. What we are doing is very different, but I hope it becomes more common as the knowledge of how to protect women’s minds becomes known. An announcement of a betrothal is done by the man’s family with the cooperation of the woman’s family.” Francos had consulted Rita about customs in Utopia, but the differences were so major that he could see no way to adapt.

    “I am willing,” Sarita said, “but I would like to talk to Megal about this. In Utopia, there is usually a consultation with the discerners as to psy compatibility, so First Night guides can be ready to help with the manifestation.” It was not the joining she had always dreamed about, but there was a goal they both wanted. She understood now that they both had suffered much, and the common experience was a place to begin.

    “This is a practice I want to learn more about, especially if we are going to make changes in practice here,” Francos said. He had heard of both the custom of discerners and First Night guides. It would be difficult to incorporate them into Refugio culture, but if they could protect the women, it would be worth the effort.

    “I talked with Megal, and he is convinced this joining will be a successful merging for you both.” Francos questioned Megal that morning because he had a message from Emiliano Pesch demanding to know if Rita and Tony were really at the Residence. The rumors were flying around the city. He mused that was what happened when the families were so closely interconnected. Correct information needed to be provided to quell the uproar. Emiliano may not have had much support in the city, but he was vocal.

    “For an announcement, do you plan to use my mother’s family name or my name in Utopia?”

    “I have asked both your mother and uncle. They agree that your biological parents will be listed but we will use your family name from Utopia. It will not be popular, but it would be misleading not to admit from the first that you were raised there.” Francos knew this would cause an uproar, but he would deal with that when it happened.

    “Thank you for that. Simon and Marianna were most responsible for raising me. Mama was not comfortable having a home of her own. We did not have servants in our family cottages as you do here.”

    “Your parents are to be honored because they did well in raising you. I look forward to getting to know you better as a member of our family.” Francos was pleased that the praise did not cause more than a nod and thank you from the young woman. She knew her worth. This was going better than he had hoped.

    “I will arrange for a formal announcement to be made over the net tomorrow, if you and Megal agree.” Francos called Serept to bring Megal to his office. There was no point in dragging it out.

    “Megal, rumors are flying and Pesch knows our guests are here. Are you willing to have a betrothal announcement and begin plans for a wedding?”

    Megal looked at Sarita. She stood calmly by the door, straight but not stiff. He realized that his body was reacting again. He prayed it would not show, but then he saw a slight twitch of her face. “Are you willing, Sarita?”

    “I believe we can make a life together, Megal. If my observation of my family is any indication, it will take work, but, yes, I am willing,” She smiled at him and offered him her hand.

    His voice was a whisper. “Thank you.” He raised her hand to his lips and kissed it.

    “Well, we have a wedding to plan,” Francos said, clearing his throat and looking away. Marta was right. This young woman was going to be a partner for his son and from the looks of things, that grandchild might be quickly made.


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