A house without women, a plea for forgiveness…

Romerie Malfe was not amused. His father was even less happy. No servant greeted them with water to wash when they arrived from the city. The beds were not straightened, and the used clothing had not been collected from the rooms. Their dinner was prepared but looked much like leftovers from the night before.

“I will speak to the steward now!” Roberto Malfe yelled when the warmed-over stew was presented as his dinner by the obviously untrained kitchen boy. “Why is the scullery boy bringing me my food, and what is this?”

The steward entered white faced and shaking. “Ser, you must come and see what we have found in the harem. Please come, it is awful!” The two men rushed down the hall to the now-open doors of their women’s quarters. The bedroom where they met their women for physical pleasure was open and swarming with flies. The smell of blood permeated the room. Across the bed lay infant clothing, coated with blood. On the wall were the words ‘You killed our babies,’ written in what appeared to be blood.

Both men gagged. “These women will pay,” Romerie said. “I will return them to our house, and they will clean this. They must be punished, as must that burja from Utopia who has caused this.” He directed the steward that the room should be closed and not touched. He called for a air car to take him to the women’s encampment, but his father’s assistant stopped him.

“Do you think it wise to go out there? From what I have heard, there are hundreds of women and children out there and they are all mad at us.” He was shaking.

His father’s face betrayed his horror, “Even my sweet Magdalena has joined them. I do not understand.”

“I will go and demand they return,” Romerie shouted. “I will find who has directed this and punish them. These women had help. They are not capable of doing this.” He turned on the steward. “Who aided these women? Who in my house caused this?” He did not wait for an answer but pushed the steward out of the way and marched out the front door. Women were watching and spread the word he was afoot and heading toward the air car hanger.

Much to Romerie’s dismay, no air car arrived to take him to the encampment at the hanger. He waited at the end of the street and was alarmed to notice women walking toward him from the direction of the air car hanger. They were ominously quiet. He turned and saw them coming from three different streets. An augmented woman’s voice called out, “We see you bloodied, Keeper.” Only one street was clear, the main street toward the harbor and the Residency. The chant from the women changed. “Run, bloodied Keeper, run.” He turned and ran.


The rebellion by the women made their point in an unmistakable way. While some of the women were mildly damaged, the majority had no brain damage at all. The Poh came to the air car hanger in the morning after the pronouncement was published. Marta, Fernanda, and Magdalena, accompanied by the Poh’s senior wife, Sofia met him at the edge of the hanger.

“I come seeking forgiveness women of Refugio,” he said. He bowed deeply to the women aligned in front of him. The solemnity of the moment was marred when one of his youngest children broke free of her aunt and ran to him. “Popi, I want to kiss you good morning!” The quiet laugher helped ease the tension of the moment. After receiving her kiss, he sent her back to her aunt.

He paused to be certain his voice would reach all the gathered women. “What I have found from this investigation is painful. I have consulted with the Overlord about your requests. He is in full agreement. The Keepers of the Blood have been removed from any decisions as to life or death for a newborn.” His next words were drowned out by a cheer from the assembled women. As the cheers quieted, he continued. “As to the question of recognizing your maternal rights, that will be resolved by the House of Justice by new regulations. They will also write new regulations for handling credits. Ser Path said we needed to return to our customs from Terra. As for the demand for freedom, as free as the women of Humanos Verdaderos on Terra, there is no question. This must be—” Again, he was drowned out by cheers.

“On behalf of your fathers, husbands, and sons, please come home.”

“Your Holiness,” Marta said, “many of our sisters remained behind and do not wish for these changes.” She was aware of a small group of older women who would not welcome the changes. “Can provisions be made for those who disagree?”

“Of course, Sera Marta. We are a people of laws, not a place of tyranny. Many of the customs we had on Terra will need to be examined, but Ser Francos and I agree, we have begun.” The Poh wavered a bit and his senior wife moved quickly to his side.

“As you can see, sisters, he is still weak from his injuries, as are many others. We have work to do. Let’s go home.”


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