Author: Pat Gibson

  • Chapter 38

    A troublesome priest…     “Please, I must see Ser Pesch.” Romerie Malfe was not used to begging but he had been denied entrance to the Pesch main house twice this past week. Now he had news that he hoped would put him back in Ser Emiliano’s good graces.     “It is essential that I see…

  • Chapter 37

    A conclave of confusion, a major loss, a major win…     The procession of Keepers and priests slowly filed into the auditorium. The conclave to elect the new Poh was beginning. The service held in the main sanctuary had been crowded, and Francos remembered the issue of a new, larger church had been addressed during…

  • Chapter 36

    Port, who’s your mom, travel plans…     “Mandy,” Sarita said, “I saw you with that woman off Beth Ann’s ship. Is she your mother?”     “Yes, she came from Refugio and now sails with Beth Ann. I have a couple of half kin that live on the boat. Mom paired up with one of the…

  • Chapter 35

    A surprise visit…     Marta turned the spinning session over to one of the other women and led Francos to a small room across the patio. Women around the area stopped and stared. Several were almost nude and seemed to be doing exercises. Others were working in raised garden beds or supervising children. Francos did…

  • Chapter 34

    A visit from a school friend, a shocking discovery…     Francos and Megal had a late breakfast. “Have you heard from Captain Okapie?” Megal said in the private dining room. “I was very surprised by the number of vagrants in the crowd last night. I might not have noticed if you had not mentioned it.…

  • Chapter 33

    Refugio, sharing the future…     Megal poured himself a cup of wine and leaned against the wall by a small window in his father’s private office. He stared out into the plain where the city of Ciudad Centro had been built. One side of the volcano that formed the caldera had been blown away by…

  • Chapter 32

    Arrival in Southmost, a plea for help, work to do…     “Keep that white flag waving. We want them to know we aren’t coming to raid,” Blackie let the ship drift toward the dock where a group of archers were gathered with crossbows aimed at the ship. He leaned on one of the children who…

  • Chapter 31

    Hard time in Port…      The last storm had done more damage than they had realized. Spacer and the people who had learned from parents or mentors worked for days to get as much equipment as possible working. The drinking water plant was not yet working so they were back to distilling water with the…

  • Chapter 30

    Revenge, death, and changes…     The ruling that Port newbies became crew members when they signed contracts had an impact faster than anyone expected. “We’re going to need more hats and capes for Henry’s crews if Doc is right, and I’m pretty sure she is,” Spacer said. “He is not going to be happy about…

  • Chapter 29

    Port discovers a truth….     Sarita thought Mandy might be over her anger by morning, but she was cold and had little to say as they helped families who sheltered in the main house. The two women kept the children busy so the parents could collect nut tree fronds and cut the tree grass to…